Expert Help For Nannies, Contracts, Pensions, Nanny Tax | Nanny Matters


We support hundreds of nannies across the UK, helping to make sure employers provide the right amount of pay to their nanny at the right time. Life is complicated enough, and as a nanny you have plenty to juggle already. The last thing you need is problems with your pay or taxes. In this section we tell you about the services we provide to nannies.

Access to experts at no charge to you

We help ensure hundreds of nannies get paid every month right across the UK.

Our nanny payroll service is paid for by your employer, but you also get access to our experts at no charge to you.  We go the extra mile to make sure you are properly looked after.

Nannies often suffer from tax complications, through no fault of their own. They can be faced with extra tax to pay for various reasons, such as:

  • Employers making calculation errors or not providing the right forms
  • Having two or more part-time and / or temporary roles
  • Doing agency work

That’s why it is so important to have your pay calculated professionally, by nanny experts.

Sometimes employers do not understand other aspects of employing a nanny, such as sick pay and holiday pay. They may try to treat the arrangement as self-employment, simply because they are not aware of their responsibilities.  

If you are concerned, why not put your employer in touch with us and we will help them get it right.

A green wooden toy car

Gross or Net ? The answer is simple

You will almost certainly be better off with a gross pay agreement in the long -term.

We understand that you want to know your take-home pay.  Everyone needs to know their net income in order to balance the bills.  

We also know that nannies lose out financially when they agree a net rate. They miss out on tax refunds, and they don’t get the benefit of the tax reductions each April.  

So what’s the answer? Always, always agree a gross rate. You can contact us to find out what that means net (or use our calculator).

Two Employers?

If you have two or more jobs and employers, then your tax is more complicated.

If you have two or more jobs and employers, then you will need extra advice. Ideally, all your employers will use NannyMatters, so that your records are all under one roof. Provided at least one of your employers is with us, we’ll look after all your tax concerns.

If you are concerned, why not put your employer in touch with us and we will help them get it right.

Pension Pot

The UK Government introduced legislation in 2010 to encourage all workers to save for retirement. The legislation is commonly referred to as ‘auto-enrolment’, because it forces employers to automatically put their employees into a pension scheme.

Depending on your age and gross pay, Your employer may have to automatically enrol you into a pension scheme. We will ensure your pension pot is ready for when the time comes.

NannyMatters provide a combined payroll and pension solution that takes care of all aspects of the pension legislation. We'll be in touch, via your employer, before you are due to join the scheme.

If you like, you can opt out of the pension after you have been enrolled and if you opt out right away, you'll get your first month's contribution back. Do consider your options carefully before deciding to opt out, since you will lose out on the valuable employer's contribution.

Thinking of self-employment?

If you are working as an employee then you have full employment rights.

Some parents will, understandably, try to avoid their responsibilities by treating you as self-employed. In doing so, they are defrauding HMRC of Employer’s National Insurance contributions, as well as denying your employment rights. In almost all cases, treating a nanny as self-employed is not an option.

If you are concerned, put your employer in touch with us. We will give them free, confidential advice to help them get it right.
